Itty-Bitty Learners

Join us for a four-week class for parent/caretaker and baby. During this four week class we will sing, play, blow bubbles and more as we engage our babies senses while encouraging development.  We will introduce sign language, infant massage and sensory activities. Each week we introduce a new activity and provide lots of new ways to play with your babies at home!

Upcoming Classes

Fridays 10-10:45am & 11-11:45am
May 31, June 7,14,21st 

Drop-In Classes 
May 10, and 17th 10-10:45am & 11-11:45am
Stork Ready 217 Main Street North Reading, MA

Infant Massage

Infant massage is a style of bodywork designed specifically to promote the healthy development of your infant. Caring human touch is crucial for a healthy thriving baby. The benefits of massaging your baby are potent and numerous. Many infants show improved growth and development of the brain and nervous system as well as improved sleep and strengthened immune systems and aids in digestion. Enjoy this interactive class with your baby. The class is intended for babies at least one month of age.

Infant Massage is taught by an Infant Massage USA/International Association of Infant Massage certified instructor. During this hands-on course, you will learn how to massage your infant. You will also learn about the benefits of massage for baby and parent, techniques for children with special needs such as gas/colic and premature, how to adapt massage to the growing child, and much more. Each class is approximately 1 hour long. Partners are encouraged to attend.

Upcoming Classes

No Upcoming Infant Massage Classes at this time.